Sunday, July 13, 2008

Welcome to Just Enough Code, a place where you can learn how to write software. And hopefully by the end of the tutorial be good enough to be dangerous...that is, write software on you own.
About the audience, that means you. I started this blog to help my nephews (teenagers) learn how to write computer programs. Why? Because public schools around here don't have enough (in some cases just don't have any) programming classes and since just about all electronics requires software, many kids are missing out on a fundamental technology that enables most things that we use. My nephews had a hard time getting into a class, so they asked me to teach them instead. So I said "why not". So here we are. Anyways, this blog is a full introductory course into pragmatic programming. You will learning concepts that are useful in practice and not the typical way, through memorization of the fundamentals and repetition. Simply stated we are not going to cover every aspect in detail, just enough to be dangerous.
Hopefully, you'll learn something.

0.1 C# for the masses

Choosing a programming language is a difficult thing to do. I've seen many come and go, but luckily this is my blog so I get to pick. Therefore I choose C#. It's a good language for beginners and advanced programmers as well. It's supported by Microsoft, you can google a ton of tutorials, and the best part, you can download the development environment from Microsoft for FREE! And if you plan to follow this tutorial you'd better download it. I can't explain to you how important a good development environment is to writing software, but trust me, it IS very important.

After you have downloaded it, you need to install it. Watch this video if you need help installing it. You can stop watching after the installation section. However if you feel like earning extra credit, watch the entire video and learn how to write you first program.

Installed it? Great, now lets start learning how to use time.

Session 0

This session will cover basic ideas that are always used in programming.
  1. Choosing a language - C# for the masses
  2. Binary Evaluations - To be, or not to be true
  3. Variables and Assignments - It's really basic algebra
  4. If then else - Which way do I go?
  5. Input and Output - Can you hear me now?
  6. Objects and Functions - How not to get confused writing code
  7. Putting it all together - Knock Knock coding

Just Enough Code To Be Dangerous

Welcome to Just Enough Code, a place where you can learn how to write software. And hopefully by the end of the tutorial be good enough to be dangerous...that is, write software on you own.

About the audience, that means you. I started this blog to help my nephews (teenagers) learn how to write computer programs. Why? To my amazement, the public schools around here don't have enough programming classes. My nephews had a hard time getting into a class, so they asked me to teach them instead. Since I write software for a living, I said "why not". So here we are. Anyways, this blog is a full introductory course into pragmatic programming. That is, learning concepts that are useful in practice and not the typical way, through memorization of the fundamentals and repetition.

Hopefully, you'll learn something.
